
Empowering Massa's Ecosystem: The foundation is committed to supporting Massa's development.
This program is designed to support initiatives that meet the specific needs identified by Massa's technical team.

List of open projects

Uniswap v2 like | 1 team working on it

Description: Allow users to swap tokens using a DEX with functions similar to Uniswap v2

Tips: Documentation should be provided to serve as a tutorial on writing smart contracts on Massa.

Grant amount: USD 5,000 - 10,000 in Massa Tokens

ERC-1155 | 1 team working on it

Description: Develop a standard for an ERC-1155 like multi-token contract.

Tips: The relevant Ethereum standard can be found here. See the Massa standards repo for a reference implementation for the ERC-721 like NFT.

Grant amount: USD 500 - 1,500 in Massa Tokens

NFT marketplace | 2 teams working on it

NFT marketplace | 2 teams working on it

NFT marketplace | 2 teams working on it

Description: Create an NFT marketplace Smart Contract covering the basic features of a marketplace:

  • Store details of a listed NFT, such as the token ID, token address, type of NFT (721 or 1155), price, and the seller’s address.

  • Allow users to list NFTs for sale on the marketplace

  • Allow users to buy NFTs that are listed for sale

  • Facilitate the transfer of NFTs between buyers and sellers (via an auction contract for example)

  • Allows users to view their listed and purchased NFTs

Tips: The NFT Marketplace should be compatible with the relevant standards.

Grant amount: USD 3,000 - 5,000 in Massa Tokens

Lending Borrowing | 1 team working on it

Description: Lending and borrowing Smart Contracts, allowing users to borrow tokens using any other token as collateral.

Key Features:

  • Borrowing: Allow users to deposit Massa blockchain assets as collateral to borrow other assets.

  • Dynamic Interest Rates: Adjustable rates based on market demand and supply.

  • Collateral Management: Implement a system for users to monitor and manage their collateral ratios to avoid liquidation.

  • Liquidation Mechanism: Develop a mechanism to liquidate positions that fall below the required collateralization ratio, ensuring the system's stability.

Tips: Should be compatible with the relevant standards.

Grant amount: USD 20,000 - 35,000 in Massa Tokens

Multisig Smart Contract System | 2 teams working on it

Multisig Smart Contract System | 2 teams working on it

Multisig Smart Contract System | 2 teams working on it

Description: We are seeking proposals for the development of a multisig smart contract system that enables users to securely manage funds and interact with other smart contracts using k-n signature schemes.

Key Features:

  • Secure Fund Management: Users should be able to securely store and transfer funds using the multisig wallet, with transactions requiring k out of n signatures from designated parties.

  • External Smart Contract Calls: The system must allow for the execution of actions on external smart contracts, with the same k-n signature requirements, ensuring secure and consensus-driven interactions.

Additional features

  • Efficiency and Upgradability: Applicants are encouraged to consider the use of a proxy pattern to reduce deployment costs and facilitate future upgrades. This would involve a single implementation contract containing the core logic, with individual proxy contracts for each multisig wallet instance.


  • Interface Compatibility: Proposals should consider the eventual development of user interfaces for wallet management, suggesting how the smart contract design can support a seamless and intuitive user experience.

  • Security: Given the critical importance of security for multisig wallets, proposed solutions must include plans for thorough testing and potential security audits.


  • Review existing multisig implementations like Gnosis Safe to draw inspiration and understand industry standards for security and functionality.

  • The Massa blockchain's unique capabilities and constraints should inform the design, especially if opting to implement the proxy pattern or other advanced features.

  • Highlight in your proposal how your design balances security, usability, and, if applicable, upgradability.

Grant Amount: USD 10,000 - 20,000 in Massa tokens

Generic Proxy Smart Contract | 1 team working on it

Description: This project aims to implement a flexible and efficient proxy mechanism that can delegate calls to any implementation contract, enabling seamless upgrades and modifications to smart contract logic without the need for redeployment.

Key Features:

  • High Flexibility: The proxy contract must be capable of forwarding calls and data to any designated implementation contract through the use of a fallback function or a delegatecall, allowing it to execute a wide range of functions.

  • Upgradability: It should be possible to update the address of the implementation contract linked to the proxy, facilitating easy upgrades or changes to the contract logic without affecting the state or the address of the proxy itself.

  • Transparency and Security: The implementation should include mechanisms to ensure transparency and security during upgrades, such as proposal and approval processes for changing the implementation contract address.

  • Efficiency: The proxy architecture should minimize deployment costs and optimize gas usage during contract interactions, making it sustainable for frequent upgrades and operations.

  • Generic Utility: The proxy contract should be designed as a generic solution that can serve multiple purposes within the ecosystem, supporting a wide variety of smart contracts and applications.


  • Proposals should detail the approach for handling data storage, contract logic, and the delegation of calls to ensure maximum efficiency and security.

  • Applicants are encouraged to consider and address potential security risks associated with proxy contracts, such as vulnerabilities in the upgrade process or delegatecall mechanism.

  • The proposal should outline how the proxy contract can be integrated into the existing ecosystem and interact with other smart contracts and services.


  • Familiarize yourself with existing implementations of generic proxies in the blockchain space to identify best practices and innovative solutions.

  • Consider the unique features and requirements of the Massa blockchain when designing the proxy contract.

  • Ensure that the proposal includes a comprehensive testing and auditing plan to verify the security and functionality of the proxy contract.

Grant Amount: USD 5,000 - 10 000 in Massa tokens

Smart Contract Scanner | 2 teams working on it

Smart Contract Scanner | 2 teams working on it

Description: Massa smart contracts are represented as standard WASM bytecode which can be statically analyzed (see here). By analyzing the bytecode, a lot of clues can be extracted. Propose a fully functional tool that allows users to analyze an arbitrary Massa bytecode by requesting its address, and deduce:

  • which host functions are called by the bytecode. This is useful to prove that the smart contract does not use certain functions (eg. set_bytecode to update its own code)

  • which function names are exported by the bytecode

  • constants and strings in the bytecode

If the original source code and compilation parameters are available, allow the user to upload them in order to check that they indeed compile towards the expected bytecode.

Tips: Existing tools like Wasmer can be used to decode the WASM data. Also make sure that the tool is easy to integrate in web stacks, so that it can be deployed into blockchain explorers in the future.

Grant amount: USD 4,000 - 8,000 in Massa Tokens

Ledger integration

Description: Allow users to secure their fund using Ledger devices using Ledger Live.

  • Allow users to send and receive Massa

  • Allow users to connect and use DApps using WalletConnect

Tips: See Ledger Developer Portal for the integration procedure.

Grant amount: USD 8,000 - 15,000 in Massa Tokens

MetaMask integration | 2 teams working on it

MetaMask integration | 2 teams working on it

Description: Allow Metamask users to interact with Massa decentralized applications.

This integration should allow:

  • Users to send and receive Massa using MetaMask

  • Users to connect and use DApps developed on Massa using MetaMask

Tips: See MetaMask Snaps.

Considerations: This integration should allow:

  • The Metamask snap should ideally by compatible with the wallet standard

  • We recommend using massa-web3 for all Massa specific logic (wallet, signature, ...).

Grant amount: USD 10,000 - 20,000 in Massa Tokens

Additional information

Before starting to work on a bounty project, please read the following information:

Indicates the range of the amount that will be offered for a completed bounty project. This amount will vary depending on various criteria mentioned below that will be evaluated by experts in the Massa ecosystem.

The main evaluation criterias determining the amount offered for a completed project are as follows:

  • Quality of execution: quality of the completed work (code quality, coverage of unit and functional tests, code documentation).

  • Completeness of the project: number and variety of examples, tutorials and walkthrough, architecture documentation.



Grant amount

You can select any of the bounty projects available and get started!

Once you’ve started working on the project, we suggest that you contact us at mentioning which bounty project you are working on. We can put you in touch with the relevant technical team to guide you through the process.

A Git repository hosted on a well established Git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab...) which includes:

  • Automated tests and/or manual step-by-step test scenarios with well specified and reproducible test data on the Buildnet to validate the functionality that is being delivered. Inspiration can be taken from massa-as-sdk.

  • Extensive README file with build and test instructions (including requirements, and possible dependencies, …).

Additional information

Before starting to work on a bounty project, please read the following information:

Indicates the range of the amount that will be offered for a completed bounty project. This amount will vary depending on various criteria mentioned below that will be evaluated by experts in the Massa ecosystem.

The main evaluation criterias determining the amount offered for a completed project are as follows:

  • Quality of execution: quality of the completed work (code quality, coverage of unit and functional tests, code documentation).

  • Completeness of the project: number and variety of examples, tutorials and walkthrough, architecture documentation.



Grant amount

You can select any of the bounty projects available and get started!

Once you’ve started working on the project, we suggest that you contact us at mentioning which bounty project you are working on. We can put you in touch with the relevant technical team to guide you through the process.

A Git repository hosted on a well established Git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab...) which includes:

  • Automated tests and/or manual step-by-step test scenarios with well specified and reproducible test data on the Buildnet to validate the functionality that is being delivered. Inspiration can be taken from massa-as-sdk.

  • Extensive README file with build and test instructions (including requirements, and possible dependencies, …).

Additional information

Before starting to work on a bounty project, please read the following information:

Indicates the range of the amount that will be offered for a completed bounty project. This amount will vary depending on various criteria mentioned below that will be evaluated by experts in the Massa ecosystem.

The main evaluation criterias determining the amount offered for a completed project are as follows:

  • Quality of execution: quality of the completed work (code quality, coverage of unit and functional tests, code documentation).

  • Completeness of the project: number and variety of examples, tutorials and walkthrough, architecture documentation.



Grant amount

You can select any of the bounty projects available and get started!

Once you’ve started working on the project, we suggest that you contact us at mentioning which bounty project you are working on. We can put you in touch with the relevant technical team to guide you through the process.

A Git repository hosted on a well established Git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab...) which includes:

  • Automated tests and/or manual step-by-step test scenarios with well specified and reproducible test data on the Buildnet to validate the functionality that is being delivered. Inspiration can be taken from massa-as-sdk.

  • Extensive README file with build and test instructions (including requirements, and possible dependencies, …).

Any questions ?

If you need more information, or if you wish to discuss a partnership, you can always send us an email.

If you need more information, or if you wish to discuss a partnership, you can always send us an email.