
Empowering Massa's Ecosystem: The foundation is committed to supporting Massa's development.
This program is designed to support initiatives that meet the specific needs identified by Massa's technical team.

List of open projects

Uniswap v2 like | 1 team working on it

Description: Allow users to swap tokens using a DEX with functions similar to Uniswap v2

Tips: Documentation should be provided to serve as a tutorial on writing smart contracts on Massa.

Grant amount: 150 000 Massa Tokens

Lending Borrowing | 1 team working on it

Description: Lending and borrowing Smart Contracts, allowing users to borrow tokens using any other token as collateral.

Key Features:

  • Borrowing: Allow users to deposit Massa blockchain assets as collateral to borrow other assets.

  • Dynamic Interest Rates: Adjustable rates based on market demand and supply.

  • Collateral Management: Implement a system for users to monitor and manage their collateral ratios to avoid liquidation.

  • Liquidation Mechanism: Develop a mechanism to liquidate positions that fall below the required collateralization ratio, ensuring the system's stability.

Tips: Should be compatible with the relevant standards.

Grant amount: 400 000 Massa Tokens

Ledger integration

Description: Allow users to secure their fund using Ledger devices using Ledger Live.

  • Allow users to send and receive Massa

  • Allow users to connect and use DApps using WalletConnect

Grant amount: 200 000 Massa Tokens

Full On-Chain Media

Description: The media is a publishing platform where the editor publishes articles from authors (journalists, sponsors, etc). 

  • The dApp must be fully on-chain: using Massa autonomous smart contracts (if needed) and a frontend hosted on Massa blockchain with the decentralized DNS.

  • Frontend and smart contracts must be open-source with MIT License.

  • A tutorial explaining the concept and the code must be crafted, with the objective to go on

    Grant amount: 100 000 Massa Tokens

Full On-Chain Chat | 1 team working on it

Description: The Chat allows Massa users to send private messages to each other. Registration is done with a user-defined password, used by the frontend to derive a private and public key, and to store the public key in the smart contract data. To send a message, the frontend encrypts the message with the public key associated with the receiver. To open a message, the receiver decrypts the message with its private key. The passwords and key derivation must be hard to brute-force (e.g. using pbkdf2).

  • The dApp must be fully on-chain: using a frontend hosted on Massa blockchain with the decentralized DNS.

  • Frontend and smart contracts must be open-source with MIT License.

  • A tutorial explaining the concept and the code must be crafted, with the objective to go on

    Grant amount: 150 000 Massa Tokens

Full On-Chain Social Network | 1 team working on it

Description: The social network is a platform where anyone can connect with their Massa wallet, create a profile, create content like small posts or longer articles, like and repost other content, follow other users and browse their feed. A layer of moderation is needed to remove illegal content, with as much decentralization as possible.

  • The dApp must be fully on-chain: using Massa autonomous smart contracts (if needed) and a frontend hosted on Massa blockchain with the decentralized DNS.

  • Frontend and smart contracts must be open-source with MIT License.

  • A tutorial explaining the concept and the code must be crafted, with the objective to go on

    Grant amount: 200 000 Massa Tokens

Full On-Chain Game: Tower Defense | 1 team working on it

Description: The Tower Defense game must handle players, at least a solo mode and a 1v1 mode with tournaments or ELO matching, with moving creeps and firing towers powered by autonomous smart contracts.

  • The dApp must be fully on-chain: using Massa autonomous smart contracts and a frontend hosted on Massa blockchain with the decentralized DNS.

  • Frontend and smart contracts must be open-source with MIT License.

  • A tutorial explaining the concept and the code must be crafted, with the objective to go on

Grant amount: 250 000 Massa Tokens

Using Nodes’ spare Storage Space to Store Important Community Data | 1 team working on it

Description: Nodes in Massa network have a lot of free storage space, often between 50GB and 4TB, depending on whether they use a home computer or a VPS, and if it’s dedicated to Massa or not.

Many Massa builders have or will have the need to store off-chain data for their dApps, like data which is too heavy and not crucial enough to put on the blockchain’s ledger directly.

The usual path to store off-chain data is to use the IPFS protocol, and either store (“pin”) the files themselves or pay a storage provider like Pinata to do so.

Here I propose that we build a way to connect willing Massa computers to the IPFS protocol and make them store the data needed by Massa builders, for free.

The scenario would be the following, assuming we have deployed a DeWeb website, like “nicestorage.massa”:

  • A NFT builder connects to nicestorage.massa, fills-in a request to pin a set of IPFS files (like the metadata and images for a NFT collection);

  • A set of moderators check two things: that files are not illegal stuff, and that they are somehow related to the Massa ecosystem, and they validate or reject the request;

  • When a request is validated, the files are listed on nicestorage.massa;

  • Node runners can pin sets of files listed on nicestorage.massa, and they have several choices: they can click on “pin all”, or they can choose how much data they want to pin maximum like “100GB”, or they can choose exactly which ones they want to pin or not, and this is automatically processed by their IPFS node.

For this the main thing we need is a way to transfer the IPFS hashes available on nicestorage.massa to the IPFS node and to configure the IPFS node to pin them.
Then we also need a tutorial for builders, a tutorial for node runners, and a tutorial for moderators.

You can follow the discussion about this topic on our forum.

Grant amount: 150 000 Massa Tokens

Additional information

Before starting to work on a bounty project, please read the following information:

Indicates the maximum amount that will be offered for a completed bounty project. This amount will vary depending on various criteria mentioned below that will be evaluated by experts in the Massa ecosystem. Bounties have a vesting of 6 months.

The main evaluation criterias determining the amount offered for a completed project are as follows:

  • Quality of execution: quality of the completed work (code quality, coverage of unit and functional tests, code documentation).

  • Completeness of the project: number and variety of examples, tutorials and walkthrough, architecture documentation.



Grant amount

You can select any of the bounty projects available and get started!

Once you’ve started working on the project, we suggest that you contact us at mentioning which bounty project you are working on. We can put you in touch with the relevant technical team to guide you through the process.

A Git repository hosted on a well established Git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab...) which includes:

  • Automated tests and/or manual step-by-step test scenarios with well specified and reproducible test data on the Buildnet to validate the functionality that is being delivered. Inspiration can be taken from massa-as-sdk.

  • Extensive README file with build and test instructions (including requirements, and possible dependencies, …).

Additional information

Before starting to work on a bounty project, please read the following information:

Indicates the maximum amount that will be offered for a completed bounty project. This amount will vary depending on various criteria mentioned below that will be evaluated by experts in the Massa ecosystem. Bounties have a vesting of 6 months.

The main evaluation criterias determining the amount offered for a completed project are as follows:

  • Quality of execution: quality of the completed work (code quality, coverage of unit and functional tests, code documentation).

  • Completeness of the project: number and variety of examples, tutorials and walkthrough, architecture documentation.



Grant amount

You can select any of the bounty projects available and get started!

Once you’ve started working on the project, we suggest that you contact us at mentioning which bounty project you are working on. We can put you in touch with the relevant technical team to guide you through the process.

A Git repository hosted on a well established Git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab...) which includes:

  • Automated tests and/or manual step-by-step test scenarios with well specified and reproducible test data on the Buildnet to validate the functionality that is being delivered. Inspiration can be taken from massa-as-sdk.

  • Extensive README file with build and test instructions (including requirements, and possible dependencies, …).

Additional information

Before starting to work on a bounty project, please read the following information:

Indicates the maximum amount that will be offered for a completed bounty project. This amount will vary depending on various criteria mentioned below that will be evaluated by experts in the Massa ecosystem. Bounties have a vesting of 6 months.

The main evaluation criterias determining the amount offered for a completed project are as follows:

  • Quality of execution: quality of the completed work (code quality, coverage of unit and functional tests, code documentation).

  • Completeness of the project: number and variety of examples, tutorials and walkthrough, architecture documentation.



Grant amount

You can select any of the bounty projects available and get started!

Once you’ve started working on the project, we suggest that you contact us at mentioning which bounty project you are working on. We can put you in touch with the relevant technical team to guide you through the process.

A Git repository hosted on a well established Git hosting platform (e.g. GitHub, GitLab...) which includes:

  • Automated tests and/or manual step-by-step test scenarios with well specified and reproducible test data on the Buildnet to validate the functionality that is being delivered. Inspiration can be taken from massa-as-sdk.

  • Extensive README file with build and test instructions (including requirements, and possible dependencies, …).

Any questions ?

If you need more information, or if you wish to discuss a partnership, you can always send us an email.

If you need more information, or if you wish to discuss a partnership, you can always send us an email.